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2 ways to manage your own VPS - infographic

Infographic: 2 ways to manage your own VPS
Infographic: 2 ways to manage your own VPS

Way #1

If you you are creative and like to learn new things, this is your way:

  • 1. Configure DNS with your new IP address.
  • 2. Set up the VPS hostname, username and password.
  • 3. Install the Apache server.
  • 4. Install the firewall and virus protection.
  • 5. Set up the mail server.
  • 6. Decide which version of PHP you want to use and configure the PHP settings.
  • 7. Set up the MySQL database.
  • 8. Add domains to your VPS.
  • 9. Make regular OS updates and install security patches.
  • 10. Set up regular backups.
  • 11. Disable unused ports.
  • 12. Consider DDoS attack protection.

Way #2

For those who prefer to manage their VPS like traditional web hosting:

  • 1. Sign up for VPS.
  • 2. In the signup form, choose the Hepsia control panel.
  • 3. Handle your VPS like you handle a shared hosting account.
  • 4. will care about everything else like security updates, tweaks, OS & control panel updates and security monitoring.

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About the author

Petr Sejba Petr Sejba
MarbleHost owner, consultant for local businesses in Spain, president of the World Marbles Federation. Addicted to online and offline marketing since 2000.
MarbleHost has been providing reliable web hosting services SINCE 2005.