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MarbleHost web hosting account & domain as a (Christmas) gift?

Looking for some suitable Christmas, birthday or name day gift for a geek? Even though we are pretty sure that he or she would be grateful for a new pair of warm socks, we would like to suggest an alternative which is cool, useful, easy to use and can also earn some money.

Have you ever considered how useful could be a web hosting account with a domain name like Every technically minded person prefers to use email like instead of freemail like If you buy a web hosting package from, you will get the domain for discounted price. Then you or the recipient of the gift can easily set up email addresses like in the web hosting control panel. You will receive access to the control panel during a few minutes after the purchase.

Of course, setting up a cool email address is not everything what can be done with a domain name and web hosting package from The web hosting allows to create any type of website. Even if the user do not know how to create one, we have a solution for him. With our Free PHP Scripts Installer it is possible to create many types of website, e. g. blog or forum.

A lot of our clients use their websites to build up additional or even full-time income. Everybody can start the online business by placing advertisements on his website, e. g. Google Adwords. Google Adwords makes it possible to earn money even with a small website. For this reason, giving the web hosting package as a present may not only make somebody happy, but also can help him to start his career.

You can sign up for some of our web hosting plans and register a domain name using the order form.

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About the author

Petr Sejba Petr Sejba
MarbleHost owner, consultant for local businesses in Spain, president of the World Marbles Federation. Addicted to online and offline marketing since 2000.
MarbleHost has been providing reliable web hosting services SINCE 2005.